Reynolds Consulting Group

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Injury Prevention

Even a business that appears completely safe likely has hidden dangers. Rely on our consultants to provide you with safety solutions designed to prevent workplace accidents, and in turn, workers' compensation claims. We are committed to injury prevention for all of our clients.

  • Safety & Health Management System
  • Safety Policies
  • Safety Team Formalization & Training
  • Safety Inspections
  • Train-The-Trainer Resources
  • Employee Training
  • On-Going Support When You Need It

The job of designing, communicating and enforcing your company's safety and health policy, identifying and correcting unsafe workplace hazards and conditions, training employees, instilling safety awareness, and promptly responding to accidents — all in accordance with state and federal laws — is an increasingly complex task. Many companies rely on loss prevention services provided by their insurance company for support. But ask yourself these questions:

  • How often do they come out to make their inspections? If you are like most companies, it is just prior to renewal.
  • Do you have the sense the insurance company inspector truly understands your business?
  • Are you satisfied with their inspection report?
  • How much time do they invest in helping you implement the resources they give you?
  • Do you think they are a true partner in helping you run your business safely?

The Flaw in Solely Relying on Your Insurance Carrier for Injury Prevention Services

If any of these questions cause you concern, there is a reason. It is found in your workers' compensation policy. Section A of "Conditions" of the standard workers' compensation policy states:

"We have the right, but are not obligated to inspect your workplace at any time. Our inspections are not safety inspections. They relate only to the insurability of the workplace and the premiums to be charged. We may give you reports on the conditions we find. We may also recommend changes. While they may help reduce losses, we do not undertake to perform the duty of any person to provide for the health or safety of your employees or the public. We do not warrant that your workplaces are safe or healthful or that they comply with laws, regulations, codes or standards. Insurance rate organizations have the same rights we have under this provision."

Insurance Paperwork

In Simple Terms:

  • Your insurance company is NOT obligated to make a safety inspection.
  • Your insurance company inspections are NOT safety inspections. In fact, they are only used to determine the insurability of the workplace and the premiums charged for the exposures found.
  • Your insurance company is NOT obligated to give the insured a copy of their report on the conditions found.
  • Your insurance company is NOT obligated to share recommendations with you.
  • Your insurance company is NOT performing a duty or service to provide for the safety and health of your employees.
  • Your insurance company does NOT warrant that you are in compliance with OSHA standards.

Our Sole Purpose Is to Help You Minimize Operational Costs through Practical Safety Solutions

Our Injury Prevention Services are designed to provide an effective, low-cost solution for companies that do not have a Safety Director or that have a Safety Director who "wears a lot of hats." Each of our Injury Prevention Services is tailored to your company's needs. Nothing we do is boiler-plate.

Safety & Health Management System

A Safety and Health Management System consists of four (4) interrelated elements that define and sustain the safety culture within your organization:

  • Management commitment and employee involvement;
  • Worksite analysis for the purpose of hazard identification;
  • Hazard prevention and control measures;
  • Safety and health training

Having an effective Safety and Health Management System in place will not only eliminate virtually all work-related injuries, but, in many states, there are also workers' compensation rate credits that can be earned. Plus, if you ever have the misfortune of getting citations and fines from OSHA, they can be reduced by 25% if you have a Safety and Health Management System in place. Our service will quickly evaluate the elements you currently have in place, develop a plan of action that meets your approval, and provide all the resources needed to quickly make improvements.

Safety Policies

Our Safety Policy Service will provide you with a Safety Manual that is tailored to the occupational exposures and OSHA standards that apply to your company. Its contents will include:

  • All the elements of a Safety and Health Management System, including Management Commitment, responsibilities of Safety Team Members, hazard identification, injury prevention, and safety policy enforcement procedures;
  • The key compliance policies that apply to every OSHA standard that applies to your operation;
  • Claim management policies, including claim reporting procedures, accident investigation procedures, disability management procedures, plus much more;
  • Key Human Resource policies, including leave of absence, temporary duty, drug and alcohol policy, workplace violence, plus much more;
  • Confidentiality and Privacy Policies in accordance with all federal and state laws;
  • Recordkeeping policies in accordance with all federal and state laws

We also provide an Employee Safety Policy booklet that is a condensed version of this Safety Manual. This booklet is small enough to fit in the shirt or pants pocket. Many of our clients love this because it provides an excellent way to communicate and train all their employees.

Safety Supervisor

Safety Team Formalization & Training

Your Safety Team Members, including your Supervisors, are the front line in your effort to identify and eliminate hazards and unsafe acts in the workplace. How they perform their responsibilities can literally make or break your safety and health program. We offer a unique and highly effective formalization and training program for your Safety Team. Each module can be presented at separate fifteen (15) minute sessions or they can be provided in one session lasting about one (1) hour. Topics include:

  • How to conduct fast, effective departmental inspections;
  • How to enforce safety rules in accordance with company policy;
  • How to perform a root cause analysis;
  • How to perform a thorough injury and near miss investigation;
  • How to indoctrinate new employees with respect to workplace safety

Safety Inspections

We provide on-site Safety Inspections on the frequency required by our clients, including a report with findings and recommendations. Each report can be by plant, building, department or supervisor, depending on your preference. Our Safety Inspections are an excellent way for you to be in full compliance with all OSHA requirements and get an independent set of eyes on employee safety habits and behaviors.

We also provide training and mentoring to your in-house safety inspectors. You can be confident that all your internal safety inspections are performed correctly and consistently.

Employee Training

Safety Training is all about teaching employees how to perform their jobs safely. Our Employee Training Service is based upon the proven principle that repeated exposure to a message increases an employee's understanding, retention and application in the workplace. Our service has consistently resulting in:

  • A dramatic increase the level of employee awareness and interest in workplace safety;
  • A significant increase in employee attitude towards safety;
  • Our Clients are four (4) times more likely to reduce work-related accidents.

Train-the-Trainer Support Resources

About three (3) months into our Safety Training Service, most of our Clients wish to take on the Safety Training in-house. We view this as a great option and encourage it wherever possible. Our Train-the-Trainer Service includes:

  • Providing all the training materials on any topic requested, including PowerPoint presentations, handout materials, sign-up forms;
  • If needed, participating in practice sessions. We find that many in-house trainers are initially unsure of themselves and not confident in answering questions that may arise. We help them gain the knowledge needed to be confident and prepared;
  • Monitoring the quality of your in-house Safety Training. We will attend your Safety Training Sessions, observe the presentation and level of employee participation, and provide helpful tips for improvement.

Machine Guards

Ongoing Support When You Need It

Once Safety Team and employees become actively involved in your safety program, they begin noticing hazards and need additional help. Examples include changes in machinery or equipment, changes in chemicals used, frustration over an employee who consistently breaks safety rules, or concern over information obtained at an industry association meeting.

All of our service engagements include open-ended access to us anytime to get advice or make improvements. We want to serve as your reliable partner to help them and keep your safety program on track.

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