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OSHA Compliance

Beware: The OSHA Wolves May Knock On Your Door

  • Main Reason Is Employee Complaints
  • All Are Unannounced
  • 10 Hot Standards They Always Enforce
  • Fines And Penalties Have Increased Dramatically

It may be possible for you to prevent workplace accidents by making sure your business' OSHA compliance requirements are up to date. Additionally, we will conduct hazard assessments to help you identify any potential threats to you and your employees.

Mock OSHA Inspections

  • OSHA Compliance (All Applicable Standards)
  • Hazard Assessments
  • Citation Abatement
  • Recordkeeping Compliance
  • Client Education & Support

Mock OSHA Inspections

Once completed, you will receive a detailed report with recommendations, as well as an executive summary providing estimated fines and penalties. The report will also evaluate every recommendation based upon the probability of OSHA identifying the citation during their inspection. This is valuable information to help you prioritize correction actions. In short, you will know your potential financial exposure before OSHA knocks on your door.

OSHA Compliance (All Applicable Standards)

Depending on your industry, OSHA has promulgated specific standards. Examples include Personal Protective Equipment, Bloodborne Pathogens, Machine Guarding, and Lockout-Tagout. Where there is a specific standard that applies, the General Duty Clause will apply, greatly increasing your compliance burden.

We have over thirty (30) years of experience in helping companies comply with the myriad of OSHA standards that apply to their business. Using our proprietary survey forms, we will evaluate every requirement in an applicable standard, including the General Duty Clause. In this way, you will know exactly where you are in compliance and the areas that need further improvement.

Safety Equipment

For each area of improvement, we will provide all the support and resources needed to implement practical, fail-proof compliance solutions. At the end of each compliance audit, you will receive a compliance manual on each applicable OSHA standard.

At last you will have all of your compliance records and other documents in one place. Each manual will include required policies, hazard assessment documentation, completed OSHA compliance reports, safety training records, and a summary of the standards (easy to read and understand).

Hazard Assessments

Many OSHA standards specifically require Hazard Assessments. Where not specifically mandated, the General Duty Clause also will require them. Hazard Assessments are a systematic method used to identify and evaluate a workplace exposure. Once a hazard has been identified, either the applicable standard or the General Duty Clause is triggered. OSHA requires that they must be in writing, must reflect current operations and exposure, and in some cases, they must be certified. We will perform all required Hazard Assessments for you, provide you with all the proper documentation, and then provide cost-effective recommendations that will satisfy the applicable standard. These Hazard Assessments include, but are not limited to:

  • Sound level and dosimeter tests (required by the Hearing Conservation standard);
  • Certified Hazard Assessments of all eye, face, head, hands, feet and respiratory exposures (required by the Personal Protective Equipment standard);
  • Assessment of all Confined Spaces (required to determine if the Confined Space standard will apply);
  • Inventory of all Hazardous Chemicals (required by the Hazard Communication standard);
  • Machine guarding (required by National Consensus standards referenced in the Machine Guarding standard);
  • Service and maintenance activities that fall under the Lockout-Tagout standard;
  • Material handling such as lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. (required under the General Duty Clause);
  • Identifying all employees that have occupational exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (required by the Bloodborne Pathogens standard).

Citation Abatement

If OSHA cities your organization with violations, you will receive a letter outlying the violations and the penalties associated with each. You also have limited time to abate, or correct, the citation. Then, at your option, you can arrange an Informal Conference with OSHA to discuss the citations and attempt to negotiate a reduction in fines.

OSHA is frequently willing to reduce fines at the Informal Conference. What you may not know is that it is possible to get additional reductions. But to do this requires an in-depth knowledge of OSHA citation procedures. That is where we come in. We know OSHA's Field Operation Manual inside and out and know how to maximize fine reductions. Our OSHA Citation Abatement service includes:

  • Immediately upon receiving your citation letter, we will meet with you to develop a prompt compliance strategy;
  • We will promptly conduct a thorough compliance audit relative to the OSHA standard cited, including a written report and recommendations;
  • We will review all additional credits that are available to you and facilitate all steps needed to implement prior to the informal conference;
  • We will facilitate compliance and abatement, including all the necessary documentation to verify to OSHA;
  • We will attend the Informal Conference with you and facilitate all discussions to a successful resolution;
  • We will review the settlement agreement to verify that it is consistent with all agreements reached;
  • If more time is needed to abate the citation, we will petition OSHA on your behalf to give you more time;
  • For all standards cited, we will provide a Compliance Manual, complete with all documentation to make your organization successful moving forward.

Recordkeeping Compliance

The failure to maintain proper records is one of the most frequent causes of OSHA fines and penalties. Examples include:

  • OSHA's Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness standard requires that your company maintain forms 300 (OSHA log), 300-A (Summary Of Work-Related Injuries And Illnesses), and 301 (or equivalent form Injury And Illness Incident Report), for recording injuries and illnesses. This standard also requires you to report to OSHA certain worker-injury claims.
  • OSHA's Access to Employee Exposure And Medical Records standard requires that employee exposure records must be maintained on a confidential basis, must be preserved for an extended period of time, and must be made accessible to affected employees;
  • There are a many other OSHA standards that require that Hazard Assessment, inspection, and training records be maintained.
Records on File

We will quickly evaluate your current recordkeeping practices, provide a written compliance report with recommendations, and provide all the necessary resources to help you make improvements where necessary.

Client Education & Support

We recognize that OSHA standards are complex and often confusing. Throughout our OSHA Compliance Service engagements, we will provide you with a constant stream of easy-to-understand educational material that will explain what the applicable standard means to you and how it can be best applied to your workplace.

When requested, we can provide on-site training for management and/or the Safety Team. As just one example of how this can be accomplished, under the Lockout-Tagout standard, it is often difficult to understand when a work-related activity falls under Service and Maintenance (which will trigger the Lockout-Tagout standard) and when the activity falls under the Machine Guarding standard.

As a result, Safety Team members and employees often do now know when it is required to Lockout a machine. Our Client Education goes further than merely providing educational material. We will conduct in-house training to explain the basic principles involved and how these principles apply to specific machines.

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